Daily Doodle – 11/17/14 – Wreck-It Ralph

  • On November 17, 2014 ·
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Daily Doodle - 11-17-14

This week’s doodle theme is fan art. I don’t really do much fan art. Probably because it reminds me of when I was a younger artist either tracing or copying and I got worried it’d be a crutch. Making fan art can be fun and I’ve seen some people who are great at taking existing characters and providing their own spin on them. Though I’m a little obsessive about staying on model, I’d like to try my hand at making little tributes to stuff I enjoy.

First on the list is Wreck-It Ralph which is a really cute little film. I think people tend to be harder on it because they were hoping for the video game equivalent of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? instead of taking the movie on it’s own. This one isn’t finished yet as most of the lines are done but shading/rendering (color?) hasn’t happened yet. My hand hurts too much so I’m sharing what I have right now.

Daily Doodle – 10/26/14 – Superbia (pride)

  • On October 26, 2014 ·
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Daily Doodle 10-26-14

This is the chapter that’s given me the most difficulty writing-wise. I knew I wanted it set in a space station and the first draft took place in a modern setting. That felt like it slowed things down so I started one that was more futuristic. Things still went too slowly as I didn’t know how to introduce the creepy elements like I wanted to. I believe I know how to approach this when I workshop these tougher stories.

Daily Doodle – 10/25/14 – Invidia (envy)

  • On October 25, 2014 ·
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Daily Doodle - 10-25-14

Today’s doodle took a little figuring out. The scene was basically the same, just the framing and positioning went through a few passes. I also needed to decide exactly what was going on outside the window. This is another story I’m probably going to rewrite. I like the idea but the execution can benefit from a second attempt.

Daily Doodle – 10/24/14 – Ira (wrath)

  • On October 24, 2014 ·
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Daily Doodle 10-24-14

I’m feeling pretty good about this one. The idea’s solid and it’s coming along alright. My biggest issue here is I kept moving between the rough sketch color and the refined sketch color. It’s better to do scrawling on one layer and cleanup on another. But sometimes you’re fixing something and know exactly where you want to place something. There’s two modes my brain goes into: One where it’s scribbling to fill space and place objects, the other tightening up what’s established. I also realize how much I rely on the shift key in Photoshop where I lock brush orientation for straight lines. Manga Studio has rulers and the like but for rough sketches I just wing it to correct later. But that’s the nice thing about working digitally – you can add layers and correct as many times as it takes to get what you want.

Daily Doodle – 10/23/14 – Acedia (sloth)

  • On October 23, 2014 ·
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Daily Doodle - 10-23-14

This chapter right here represents a change from where the stories go from being largely visual to more dialogue-heavy. The more I think about it the more I want to re-write it. When I’m feeling better I’m going to take some time and retool some of the chapters I’m having issue with. I really like the concept, I just don’t like the angle I’ve taken with it.

WIP Wednesday – 10/22/14

  • On October 22, 2014 ·
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WIP Wednesday 10-22-14

Here are some panels from my rough layouts so far. Getting sick has really punched my productivity in the gut but I’m still trying to work every day. I was really enjoying drawing on Monday’s Daily Doodle and then things went off the rails. Hopefully I’ll feel better next week so I can get more done.

Daily Doodle – 10/22/14 – Avaritia (greed)

  • On October 22, 2014 ·
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Daily Doodle 10-22-14

Today’s doodle is for the chapter on greed. I look forward to contrasting this with the fleshed out version I’ll make when I’m not sick.

Daily Doodle – 10/21/14 – Gula (gluttony)

  • On October 21, 2014 ·
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Daily Doodle 10-21-14

Today’s doodle is literally a doodle. I want to do more but I’ve come down with something and can’t stop hacking right now. I’ll probably stretch this series of doodle out another week so I can tighten up, ink, and actually finish them for the book.

WIP Wednesday – 10/15/14

  • On October 15, 2014 ·
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7 Deadly Sins WIP 1

7 Deadly Sins WIP 2

This week I’ve been going through each story in the 7 Deadly Sins anthology, making panel folders and doing pencils. I’m trying to do about 10 pages of this a day, feeling out what the characters look like and placing them solidly in each panel. I really want to have this stage done before moving to inks. I haven’t yet revisited the last story that was giving me trouble. Think I’ll get the rest nailed down and spend a day or two on it. As I’ve been going through  the early stories rely more on pictures while the later ones are more word heavy. I’ll probably trim text out where I can as I’d rather show instead of tell. It’s just some ideas tend to need more explaining than others.

WIP Wednesday – 10/08/14

  • On October 8, 2014 ·
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Hey everybody, no video this week as I’m working on illustrations rather than animation. (I shot some video of me talking but I won’t subject you guys to that.)

Thumbnails Page 1

Thumbnails Page 2

I’ve been thumbnailing/laying out pages for awhile to get the writing out of the way. I’ve retooled the last story and I’m still not happy with it. It feels like I’m scripting a scifi story instead of a scifi horror. Right around the middle story I went from using little to no dialogue to having lots of dialogue. I’m concerned about trying to force the writing but I’m not sure how it’d fair if I tried winging it while I was drawing. Most of the other stories fit into 10 pages fairly neatly and I’m trying to do that here. Think I’ll try penciling pages and see if I can resolve issues before I move onto inking.