NoRights Podcast: S2E42 – Creative Challenges

  • On November 4, 2013 ·
  • By ·

This week Ben and Ian discuss creative challenges and jams.


24 Hour Comics Day

Official Site

Scott McCloud

A 24-hour comic is a 24-page comic book written, drawn, and completed in 24 hours. Scott McCloud originally came up with the challenge for himself and Stephen R. Bissette as a creative exercise. McCloud drew the first 24-hour comic to prove it could be done on August 31, 1990, and Bissette did his on September 5.


It must be begun and completed within 24 consecutive hours. Only one person may be directly involved in its creation, and it must span 24 pages, or (if an infinite canvas format webcomic is being made) 100 panels.

The creator may gather research materials and drawing tools beforehand, but cannot plan the comic’s plot ahead of time or put anything on paper (such as designs and character sketches) until he is ready for the 24 hours to begin. Any breaks (for food, sleep, or any other purpose) are counted as part of the 24 hours.

If the cartoonist fails to finish the comic in 24 hours, there are two courses of action suggested: Stop the comic at the 24-hour mark, or continue working until all 24 pages are done. The former is known as “the Gaiman variation” after Neil Gaiman’s unsuccessful attempt, and the latter is called “the Eastman variation” after Kevin Eastman’s unsuccessful attempt. Scott McCloud calls both of these “noble failures”, which he will still list on his site as long as he believes that the creator intended to finish the project within the specified amount of time.


The Great Daily Sketchbet

30 Day Monster Girl Challenge

30 Day Monster Boy Challenge

30 Minute Art Challenge

Weekly Art Challenges


Daily Painting

Daily Paintworks


Daily Painters Movement


National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

Game Making


Ludum Dare

Stencyl Jam #13



Thing a Week



Weekly Photo Challenges at the Daily Post

3D Modeling

CharacterFORGE 3D

POLY Limit – 3D Modeling Challenge

POLY Limit Facebook Page

Daily 3D


The 11 Second Club



Places to find challenges/jams




Start your own