NoRights Podcast: S2E31 – Gaming on the Mac: Part 1 – A Look at the Past

  • On August 19, 2013 ·
  • By ·

This week we start a continuous series of episodes all about playing games on the Mac. The first game I remember playing on a computer was Oregon Trail on the Apple II.

Oregon Trail on Wikipedia

Play Oregon Trail in your browser

When we got our first home computer it was a Macintosh Performa thanks to the infomercial that helped convince our parents.

Games on That First Computer

Smithsonian’s America

The Family Doctor 3rd Edition

Mayo Clinic Family Health Book Interactive Edition

The Musical World of Professor Piccolo

Get Ready for School, Charlie Brown!

Oregon Trail II

Star Trek: The Next Generation – “A Final Unity”

Dragon’s Lair

Dracula Unleashed


There was also a creative game where you could wire multimedia together like sounds recorded with your microphone, but I can’t find my copy or the name of it.