NoRights Podcast: S2E34 – Gaming on the Mac: Part 4 – PC Games

  • On September 9, 2013 ·
  • By ·

In part 4 of our ongoing series on playing video games on the Mac, we take a look at PC games and ways to get them running on OS X.


Install and run Windows on your Mac


Requires buying a copy of Windows

Requires rebooting your machine

Apple’s Bootcamp Info



Run Windows in a virtual machine on your Mac


No rebooting required, Windows apps can run alongside OS X


Emulation means your machine is running 2 operating systems at once so performance takes a hit

Requires buying a copy of Windows


Free Virtual Machine Software



Premium Virtual Machine Software

Parallels Desktop

VMWare Fusion


Flavors of Wine and Cider

Wine is a free open source program to run Windows apps on unix-like systems like Linux and OS X without requiring a copy of Windows. There are various applications that based on it that work in different ways


Apps based on Wine


Bundles Windows apps into Mac apps or runs exe files


Bundle Windows apps into Mac apps – lots of features for handling advanced games


Bundles Windows apps into Mac apps – used by developers for same day releases on both platforms


Commercial application that installs and manages various Wine bottles. Has a community that rates ports on functionality and makes it easy to install supported software with CrossTie

More info and links to 3rd party apps


More on Porting Games

The Porting Team

Paul the Tall



Play games on any system over the internet