This title screen might look familiar. I resized it and adjusted the title for this game.
I’ve tinkered with different styles for the menu screens and I like this one so far. Some of this stuff might change depending on what I can accomplish in code.
This is the overlay that will pop up over the screen when paused.
Here’s that same overlay with a background behind it for some context.
I probably don’t need to add an options page but I figured I’d at least put in some volume sliders. Still need to figure out how they’re going to work in code but I’ll cross that bridge soon enough.
I had the idea of doing a wanted poster for the menus for the last game and I think it works decently for the credits screen. Thinking I might add some nails or something to have the paper pinned up instead of just laying there.
I like working on this mini project but as it’s not exactly drawing (rather graphic design and coding) and that was kind of the point of starting the exercise, I’ve moved things around in the day so I’m drawing first.