What I Did Today 12/01/15

  • On December 1, 2015 ·
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Remember Pinwheel? Check out this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 4.

After my nap yesterday I was going to work on that profile background. I got some very bare scribbles started then stayed up until 3:30 watching other artists stream. I was very slow getting up this morning, then dad wanted to grab lunch and visit a friend of his. Then I spent the afternoon watching a stream about Adobe’s rebranding of Flash to Animate. I’m going to try getting a better sleep tonight so I can be up early again.

What I Did Today 11/30/15

  • On November 30, 2015 ·
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Remember Pinwheel? Check out this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 4.

Today’s project was to make some art to splatter on my various online profiles. Spent the morning looking for templates for social media art. Apparently it’s very hard to find something that has all the current sizes in one psd file. There were plenty of “cheat sheets” that listed measurements, downloadable offerings if you signed up for a mailing list, an extension for Photoshop I figured wouldn’t work on my version, some paid templates, and some people offered templates of the final reduced sizes which I guess is alright for mocking stuff up but not for actually producing anything.

Following that I decided to try caricaturing myself for a profile picture. I had a reference file of various head shots I put together for a self portrait awhile back. If I stuck to the ref too much I came out looking like Ray Stantz. I like what I have so far but I want to ideate on it a bit and try various styles. I’ve come to rely on the version of myself I drew in Townies, which is nice and all but it’s not the only way I can draw. I took an extended nap and just finished dinner. Going to spend the evening working on a background piece that hopefully encompasses my interests.

Daily Doodles should return in January. I’m going to give myself December to ramp up my daily drawing practice.

Status of the Blog 11/30/15

  • On November 30, 2015 ·
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There’s no podcast today because Ian and I took the weekend off after Thanksgiving to spend with our families. I would, however, like to give everybody an update on how I’m doing and, by extension, how the site’s doing.

I’ve been on anxiety meds around 4 months now. It’s helped considerably though I’m still sorting some things out. Next time I go back to my doctor I’m going to ask him about seeing a therapist. The constant background hum of anxiety has quieted, for the most part. I’m able to concentrate and if I want to stop thinking about something I usually can now. I’m still working on getting a proper sleep every night. If I go to bed early I can wake up before midnight. If I stay up too late and try to get up at 5 I’ll feel exhausted, agitated, and the anxiety comes back. I took a bit of a break recently where I focused on getting more rest because I felt like I wasn’t getting enough time alone to recharge.

That brings me to something else I’m working on – dealing with other people. I’m an introvert. I like my quiet time where I’m able to clear my head. I’m trying to be better about being sociable. I have trouble telling people I need time to myself without feeling like a recluse. I also have a problem of feeling like an anxiety funnel. I love my family but they all have similar issues like mine they shrug off and let build up in the wrong places.

I noticed the other day it’d been a year since I said I was going to bring back the Daily Doodles after the holidays. I don’t post enough of my art online. I don’t draw enough in general. I’d planned to spend some time drawing ahead and post pieces from the pile daily. If running webcomics has taught me anything it’s that publishing daily or just regular content can be a hard habit to keep up. Back then I’d hit the exhaustion issue, feeling like I was working too hard just to get a doodle finished every day and the “real” work was getting pushed to the side. I miss the exercise.

So I’m officially announcing Daily Doodles are coming back to the site. I’m not exactly sure how the practice is going to go this time around but I’m looking forward to it.

What I Did Today 11/27/15

  • On November 28, 2015 ·
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Happy Thanksgiving from this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 4.

Slept in until dad called for lunch. Did some thinking about how I want the stream setup to go and started writing out what I wanted to do. I grabbed some of the sales on Steam and spent entirely too much time reading about alert tools. Then Frank wanted to craft some mines for awhile so I rebooted the server.

I’m the kind of person who likes to have a lot of stuff figured out ahead of time. I research details and weigh the options probably long before I need to. The thing is, I want to tie things in with the streams to make them engaging. The stuff I want to tie in is either not supported or I keep seeing how it’s vulnerable. In the end I should probably just scale back and think of minimum viable product. All the bells and whistles are secondary.

What I Did Today 11/26/15

  • On November 26, 2015 ·
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Happy Thanksgiving from this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 4.

Recorded this week’s M&C, chatted with the folks online for a bit after, and stayed up late last night. Woke up a couple times today. Went to get dog food and a few things with my dad. Spent most of today trying to relax and catch up on sleep. Had an idea for a video project and looked up inspiration/reference for it. Not sure when I’ll get to it in the schedule of stuff I’ve got lined up. I want to get the next couple comics pages done before I work on anything bigger.

I’m glad I figured out my storage situation, I’m just waiting for it to get here so I can set it up. Whenever I order something online I always have the nagging worry in the back of my head, “It’s gonna show up at my door and it’ll be a brick in a box, and I’m gonna be like, ‘Oooo! They got me!’ And I’m gonna deserve it!” The few times I’ve had problems with stuff getting lost in shipping or arriving damaged the sellers have been plenty accommodating. It’s just the fear that I’m gonna get that one person that sends you a picture of something and disappears.

What I Did Today 11/25/15

  • On November 25, 2015 ·
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Happy Thanksgiving from this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 3.

Went to bed at 6:45, woke up at 2 in the morning, got up an hour and a half later. Finally ordered a NAS solution. Narrowed it down to the biggest one at the best price. Hope it fits my needs when it gets here. Looked through some links I saved and added some new ones. Took a nap until dinner and grocery shopping. Gonna record another M&C tonight. Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving though we’re going to celebrate it on an off day so the restaurants aren’t crowded when we go out. Might sleep in and see what cyber sales are up. May get into some crowdfunding that’s going on.

What I Did Today 11/24/15

  • On November 24, 2015 ·
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Happy Thanksgiving from this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 3.

Went to bed about 7 last night. Woke up four hours later. Decided to come downstairs and read, ended up watching a friend’s livestream. Went back to bed from 3:30 until around 10 when dad called. He wanted to set up a hunting blind, check his trail cams, and get some lunch. We’ve seen deer while we’ve been out there before but this time he saw a buck so he’s pretty excited. Helped him get groceries and hauled them in.

I’ve been looking over the different things you can do with Twitch, such as alerts and chatbots. I like the potential though I know I need to work on building an audience of people who would attend. Video archives are one thing but live stuff is more like an event. I’m thinking I’d like to tie that into a Patreon campaign. I’m just weighing my options right now. I want to record my drawing/animating process and archive it on the channel. I’ll cut my teeth on that over private streams. Once I upgrade my storage setup I’ll probably do that locally. Then I can focus on live events and engaging with people.

I should get back to work and save this researching for later. It’s just tempting with the holiday crunch closing in. You can read articles and collect links, feeling like you’ve got something done when making some art first would have been more productive. I’m going to try to keep my sleep schedule from going off the rails.

What I Did Today 11/23/15

  • On November 23, 2015 ·
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Happy Thanksgiving from this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 3.

Today was spent slowing down and depressurizing. There’s been a lot of holiday tension floating around lately and I took some time to get it out of my system. Made a template to sort out on screen graphics for streams. Did some more comparison shopping for a storage solution and started looking into audio interfaces. Then dad wanted to get lunch. I fixed his install of Spotify for him and helped him text somebody on Craigslist.

I feel like getting in bed early after a few late nights. As November wraps up and December rolls in I’m going to give myself as much rest as possible.

What I Did Today 11/20/15

  • On November 21, 2015 ·
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Read the funnies with somebody you love in this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 3.

Spent today looking over tutorials for OBS Multiplatform. Still need to run tests to figure out how to make it run smooth. I may just use Hangouts or a lower screen resolution or something if it comes down to it. I might be trying to capture too high for my system or doing too much with overlays. I think my animation software is the most intensive thing I’ll be running while I stream but I don’t want it to be on the edge of crapping out while I work. Frank and Ian wanted to record this week’s podcast tonight so I’ve been doing that this evening.

What I Did Today 11/19/15

  • On November 19, 2015 ·
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Read the funnies with somebody you love in this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 3.

Recorded another M&C then ended up talking with Ian until 1:30 in the morning. Slept in until around 9, spent time looking into livestreaming options. I’m thinking I’d like to try streaming while I work in the studio since my last WIP video seemed to do well. I’d archive the long vids on my channel and do a time lapse version. The problem is it’s not all a perfect system.

Streaming Service

The obvious answer is YouTube since they support both events and stream now as well as automatically archive to your channel. I’m not a fan of needing to download the whole stream once it done to make a sped up version. A key reason to stream, aside from inviting people to watch, is not having to store the files on my machine. They’re also the most militant on copyright, which I’ll mention later.

Twitch Creative is an alternative, though it’s archives aren’t permanent and putting them on my YouTube channel later means fiddling. I’ve heard it’s currently more profitable to stream the creation of an animation on Twitch than it is to post the final cartoon on YouTube, but when you look at the requirements for being a partner that’s kind of a moot point at this juncture.

There’s also Picarto, which is geared towards streaming for artists. It features things like paid subscription services for viewers, posting commission info, and flagging adult content. Recording requires a paid account, however.


Hangouts doesn’t require an encoder but YouTube streaming and the other sites do. Today I looked over the free version of Wirecast Play and OBS Multiplatform. WP had a lot of things greyed out unless you buy a fuller version. My software started to chug a bit so I need to optimize whichever one I use. (I should also probably upgrade my RAM to replace the original bits that went bad this year) It could have been from having too many things running or from trying to isolate my art app window.


This is something I’m still trying to figure out. I listen to music while I work. Twitch and Picarto have a similar “as long as it’s not the main focus of your stream” policy while YouTube is notorious for their copyright flagging system. Personally I think it’s safer to just not input what I’m listening to. I’m not crazy about the idea of leaving the streams mute but piping in royalty free audio sounds like a resource hit if I’m not listening to it and I work better when I’m free to listen to what I want.


As I mentioned I’ve been trying to isolate my art app window and maybe overlay it on top of a proper HD graphic. That way I can look at my other screen and windows while only showing my work space. I also need to sort out what to display when I take a break. Maybe a looping gif with a timer? I don’t know yet.

Final Thoughts

Typing this out has helped me decide a few things. I’ll run some tests and see what’s the least intensive setup. I haven’t had much success with streaming in the past, feeling like I need to be “on” while broadcasting. I’d like to treat this differently. I might not even make them public while I’m recording, just to keep the pressure off.