What I Did Today 06/04/15

  • On June 4, 2015 ·
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Woke up today seeing spots before I even opened my eyes. The headache started dull but got hard to work through after awhile so I took some sinus meds. This morning was spent finishing up some inks. I started filling in spot blacks when my dad called. One truck had a dead battery and flat tire, another also had a dead battery. Lucky me I recently charged the one in my car so I picked up a replacement for him.

After lunch I got an update on the family trouble that really took the wind out of my sails. So I spent the evening playing Cities: Skylines. I reached Capitol City when I realized there actually was an upgrade roads tool. I’m just going to keep pushing the city I have now until I get it as far as I can. Then I’m going to start fresh and try to build something better. The one I have now isn’t all that bad, save for the occasional abandoned house I have to remove or clogged service thanks to traffic. Upgrading roads after the city is full isn’t the best since chunks of it aren’t upgradable making the roads bulge in places. I think my next city will be built more how I want and less reactionary to the alerts.

What I Did Today 06/03/15

  • On June 4, 2015 ·
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Today was spent drawing and inking, though not to the level I’d like. I woke up this morning feeling like crap and wasted time. I’m going to bed once I finish posting so hopefully I’ll be well rested tomorrow. I’m probably stressing myself trying to get productive. I shouldn’t be disappointed as long as I’m making progress but I need to be making more of it regularly. Also there’s some family stuff I’m not going to go into. Felt very blah today.

The weather’s been bouncing between 80 and 50 lately. Turn the fan on or have the window open one minute, have a coat on the next. Always afraid I’m going to wake up with a bug or in a hot sweat. Really looking forward to when things even themselves out over here.

What I Did Today 06/02/15

  • On June 2, 2015 ·
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Spent the morning redrawing and inking pages. Leaving those pages for this morning was a good call. I was drawing much better after a good night’s sleep. I might try getting up earlier so I can get more done before lunch. It’s just weird trying to go to bed early because it’s still light out around 9 and I’m used to it being dark by then.

For those wondering about my Cities: Skylines game, I’ve progressed marginally. Last time everybody got sick from the industrial pollution and then they were stuck in their houses after dying. I’ve worked my way around that, though now I need to figure out how to get raw materials for the industries to stay open. I’m getting better at reading the city’s problems and fixing them, though I still need to tinker with speed controls to make strolling around more leisurely.

What I Did Today 06/01/15

  • On June 1, 2015 ·
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Weekends lately have a habit of getting away from me. Sometimes the house is quiet so I can get up like any weekday and work. Other times things get busy and I get pulled in different directions. When you stay up late getting up early on Monday isn’t so easy. :/ I’d been planning to launch my next webcomic in June but the more I thought about it the more I realized it would be better to spend time building a buffer. Letting my brain escape from “must finish this or die” mode was good, though I did go a bit off the rails. I spent today working on two pages but decided to try them again tomorrow because the drawings were coming out subpar. Very likely a result of not being used to drawing the characters yet. Perhaps working on another model sheet and keeping it up while drawing pages will help.

In other news I finally bought Cities: Skylines after debating it for awhile. I haven’t played a city sim since probably Sim City on the NES. I’ve heard good things and watched plenty of Let’s Plays. I was really hoping I could just spend some time strolling through the city but even on the lowest speed things get a bit hectic and you’re losing the game if you’re not floating above managing everything. I may try some speed mods to vary the gameplay up a bit.

What I Did Today 05/29/15

  • On May 29, 2015 ·
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Spent today drawing and inking. Still have two more to finish tomorrow. Looking forward to coloring since it requires less concentration. When I’m drawing I tend to listen to music. Coloring I’ll listen to podcasts and see if I can relax a bit. It’s good to switch things up when working on projects. As much as I love drawing, when there’s a deadline and I have to get things done I want to be doing anything else.

I’ve been trying to decide on my update schedule. I’d feel better about it if I had more of a buffer but wish in one hand and all that. Updating a webcomic is a bit like trying to build a fence to stop a boulder while it’s rolling down hill. You think you’re far enough down to build something solid and then WHAM! Better hurry or you’ll just get behind. Never listen to anybody who tells you, “Oh, just update when you feel like it.” That’s a surefire way to kill a webcomic right there. It’s also dangerous to upload ahead and feel safe. You need to have enough ready to go but never take it for granted. Basically always assume the tank’s almost empty every time you refill it or else it’ll run dry.

What I Did Today 05/28/15

  • On May 28, 2015 ·
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Finished inks on three pages. Worked on the fourth until my hand cramped and decided to call it a day. I really like how things are looking so far, just not crazy about how long each page is taking. Then again, nobody ever says, “Nah, we’re way too ahead of schedule.” They’ll take as long as they take. I just have to agree to sit my butt in the chair until it’s over.

Sometimes I feel the stuff I post is too Inner Game of Tennis. Some folks probably respond with, “Quit whining and just do the work!” I can understand that. Except when an artist grits their teeth it comes through in the work. I want every bit of what I make to look like I care a lot about it and that it was a joy to produce. So I think about how I wear the manager’s hat while dealing with the artist’s hat. It’s easy to talk about technique and process, to discuss software and whatnot, but the best way to do a thing is to do a thing. If you’re not focused on doing the thing and enjoying it you find distractions to focus on. The distractions can feel productive because they’re about productivity, in the neighborhood of being productive, but not really. So in the end it comes to butts in seats doing a thing until the thing is finished.

What I Did Today 05/27/15

  • On May 27, 2015 ·
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Woke up early this morning about 4:30. Penciled pages until I couldn’t focus anymore, which wasn’t too long with this humidity. I think I need to put my model sheet up on my second monitor along with the other reference I’m using. Characters should evolve as you draw them but not over a couple pages. I spent too much of my early morning energy writing down plans for the behind the scenes project. I need to stop thinking about that until the weekend or at least until I get more of a buffer done.

All I’m going to focus on tomorrow is drawing and inking. I just need to tighten up the sketches I have done so far. Might let myself ink in between pages since it helped me get my second wind yesterday. I want to enjoy myself and get lost in the work. I might split the next batch up because seven pages at a time is a lot to get done. Smaller victories are important with motivation. I’d hate to get six pages done in a day and be kicking myself for not getting all of them. Better to set an obtainable goal.

What I Did Today 05/26/15

  • On May 26, 2015 ·
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Today was spent penciling and inking pages. Things are coming along nicely now that it’s all drawing. I’m going to get a week’s worth done before I color or shade anything. That way I can take a little time to make up my mind and then go for all of them. It’s rejuvenating to see the clean inks when I hide the sketch layers. The plan for tomorrow is to pencil whatever’s missing early. I love inking but when you finish one page diving into an empty one becomes daunting. I work better when I convince myself, “Oh, just this little part to finish.”

In other news, I’ve come up with an idea for bringing back the WIP posts. I’d like to try doing something of a behind the scenes series. Before I was doing like a journal with it but now I’m thinking over-all structure. Treat it more like the podcast or a TV show with seasons. Then I can divvy things up for the various places I want to put them. It came to me tonight so I’m going to stew on it a few days. This is the kind of planning you sleep on so you wake up with ideas. I want to bring back Daily Doodles, too, but I need to build up a bunch of them so I’m not sharing all that I have every day. It would be a good daily exercise to let myself draw whatever I want for a set time each day but I suspect it’d be best to do a lot of it over a weekend or something and slowly incorporate it into my routine.

What I Did Today 05/22/15

  • On May 22, 2015 ·
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Spent today sorting out word balloons and panel borders. I don’t wanna sound controversial or anything, but I personally prefer rounded rectangular balloons. Ovals look a little pointy and make it harder to fit bigger blocks of text. Manga Studio has word balloon tools, which are nice though they’re basically the same as having shapes with layer effects in Photoshop. I’m going for a slightly imperfect hand-drawn kinda look. Basically it’s the same reason I went with a font based on my handwriting. The trick is to not over do it and get something wonky. Things are coming together. I just need to block in some more pages of balloons and borders so I can spend my time drawing again. Now that I’ve figured out the process I’ll hopefully speed it up.

What I Did Today 05/21/15

  • On May 21, 2015 ·
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Slept in today as I mentioned I would. It was nice to sleep uninterrupted by an alarm. The plan tonight is to get in bed once I’m done posting and hopefully get up early tomorrow. We’ll see how that goes. I have the most energy to work in the morning. When I wake up later it seems I get less done. I’d really like that to just be a psychosomatic thing so I can train myself to work all day. I think what it is is striking the balance between enjoying what I’m making and finishing something quantifiable. When I’m enjoying myself I’m left with doodles. When I’m working to finish something I get anxious I’m not going to finish on time and I lose the fun of making. It’s a delicate balance I’ve posted about before on the blog. It’s hard to talk to people about it because often they’ll either think I’m making excuses or tell me I don’t have anything to worry about. Neither of those is good to hear. Nobody wants to be told, “Oh please, you don’t have real problems…” I think it’s good to address we all have insecurities, they matter to us because we’re all human beings with thoughts and feelings, and sometimes they take up more brain space than they should. That’s the best way to get over them, I find.

Today I decided to resize the font for the pages I’ve worked on so far to a size that will scale better. (33.2, to be exact) I also looked at a model sheet I made and realized I’d been drawing my main character’s teeth wrong. That’s a good thing to catch before pages go live, I’d say. I did some experimenting with different brushes and I’ll be doing some more later. Hopefully I’ll have a good play with them tomorrow.