What I Did Today 07/30/15

  • On July 30, 2015 ·
  • By ·

Remember when MC Hammer was the Saturday morning superhero Hammerman? Check out my webcomic Billy Badass for more!

Today I finished flat fill coloring page eleven and shaded page ten. I’m enjoying seeing them finished but I need to work out better breaks. I’ve been trying to get into the zone lately and that makes everything feel like a marathon by the time I finish. I’m just worried I’ll get distracted. I’ve done it before where I pace myself, work a bit, watch some youtube or something, and keep going. I like the idea of reaching the end of the day and still having steam. Happily realizing the work day is over is always preferable to aching to get away. Regardless of all that, though, working on my own projects is wonderful. At least as long as I avoid the self doubt that creeps in. Usually that stuff only gets to me in the quiet of the night when I should already be in bed anyway. Sometimes it comes when I’m doing something that doesn’t engage the brain too much and it wanders. Usually it’s settled by the fact that I’m doing what I want to do and that’s such a rewarding feeling.