What I Did Today 06/17/15

  • On June 17, 2015 ·
  • By ·

Slept in this morning to try and even out the tiredness I’ve been feeling lately. It’s probably stress from something I’ve been working on that I’ll talk about later. Frustrating and an energy drain but it should be sorted out now. Hopefully everything connected to it goes smoothly.

Inked about half a page today. I always want to do more but we’ll see how I feel in the morning. Today feels like a long day but seems like a short one considering the late start. I’d much rather be up early knocking work out so I can relax in the evening, personally. Though on hot days working on a warm screen while the sun’s out feels gross.

I’ve been dealing with some referer spam lately which is also pretty gross. Whenever I see a new one pop up I block it. I used to not even know what it was but now I feel offended. As opposed to email spam where I usually think, “Wow, good on you for getting through my filters. Now I will banish you never to be heard from again.”